Click here to listen to the interview. Click here for the review of AMERICAN DREAMS (Was Democracy Just A Dream?)

Michael Gene Sullivan and Andre Amarotico
I’ve enjoyed Andre Amarotico’s performances with the annual San Francisco Mime Troupe for years, so it was a perfect delight to be able to talk to him on June 18, 2024 in advance of this year’s production, AMERICAN DREAMS. The first thing I wanted to know was what it was like making all those quick changes from character to character necessary for the multiple roles the cast plays. He went on to talk about finding the truth of Rupert Murdoch, working in an artistic collective, and what the revolution looks like.
We finished up with the long tradition employed by the troupe to speak truth to power, how the plot of this year’s production boldly offers hope; and the thing about tragedy.
AMERICAN DREAMS was written by Michael Gene Sullivan and directed by Velina Brown. It co-stars Sullivan, Lizzie Calogero, and Mikki Johnson.

Amarotico, Mikki Johnson, Sullivan

Lizzie Calogero, Amarotico
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